Olong Tea

 Moc Chau

After 20 years of construction and development, Tan Lap Tea Processing Company Limited, Moc Chau district has grown stronger, affirming product quality and Tan Lap tea brand to reach domestic and export markets, positively contribute to local socio-economic development.

     Tan Lap commune has an average altitude of 800 - 900 m above sea level; The fertile soil and cool climate of the Moc Chau plateau are very suitable for tea growing. Currently, Tan Lap land today is green hills with tea beds and raw material areas associated with the factory, ensuring sustainable development. Through ups and downs, the tea tree still holds on, becoming the main crop here. Maintaining the prosperous green color of the tea area in Tan Lap has the active contribution of Tan Lap Tea Processing Company Limited.
  • Tên:
  • SĐT: 0981544111
  • Email: mocchauch@gmail.com
  • Website: mocchau.vnn
  • Địa chỉ:
  • Mô tả:
  • Tên:
  • SĐT: 0981544111
  • Email: mocchauch@gmail.com
  • Website: mocchau.vnn
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