Moc Chau

Many people go to the Northwest to give their friends and relatives delicious bags of buffalo meat, but not everyone knows how to eat it. To fully enjoy the taste of kitchen buffalo meat, in addition to ensuring the quality and flavor of the meat, we also need a bowl of standard dipping sauce. So how to make a standard crossbow bowl? Let PK answer for you.

"Cham" or "occipital" in the Thai language means "dipping food" or "dipping", and the word "cross" means "the aroma of many vegetables, many spices combined". In general, "CROLL" is a kind of scented dip.

For buffalo meat guarding the kitchen, the cross is like an "inseparable friend". Eating this Northwest specialty without dotted with slant is considered to have lost the "soul" of the Northwest already. There are many variations, but basically it is necessary to have a core spice, which is mac Khen and salt, combined with doi seeds and common spices such as garlic, chili, lemongrass, herbs...

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