Unique festival of Het Cha in Moc Chau

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Thị trấn NT Mộc Châu,



It is known that in the past, the Thai people were very poor, did not have money to buy medicine, often went to the sorcerer who was also the one to dispense Southern medicine, cured the sick and the shaman adopted them. Every year, the shaman organizes the Het Cha festival, which is the thanksgiving ceremony of those who are cured by the magician; At the same time, it is a thanksgiving ceremony to heaven and earth, ancestors and gods have helped people living on earth maintain their lives, unite to build villages and pray for favorable rain and wind for a bountiful harvest. Thanks to the teacher, the adopted children came to give thanks, but that was the busy time of the year for Tet, so the magician fixed the thanksgiving ceremony to be held in March every year. Since then, there is the End Cha festival.